Fresh Perspective on Women Farmers

Much has been said about the role of women in agriculture, but little has been measured. This is even more true of women responsible for making decisions on farms. At CentricEngine, we are creating a unique opportunity for organizations with farmer customers to gain a better understanding of women who farm – an often overlooked but important and growing decision-making segment.

Technological, social, economic, and demographic trends are combining to change the face of agriculture on an almost daily basis. This prospectus addresses powerful social and demographic trends, highlighting the implications for marketing, sales and experience creation in agriculture.  

The first companies to get on board with women are going to have an advantage
— LM
CFO, 15,000 acre grain and soilseed farm

The role and participation of women in agriculture is changing. While the Census of Agriculture reports that about 1/3 of farms have a woman as a primary decision maker (either sole or in partnership), there is ample anecdotal evidence suggesting that women influence decision making in ways far beyond Census measurement. Women are leading in expertise development (the majority of graduates in Canadian agricultural programs are female), suggesting that the trend of women in farming will not only continue but strengthen and grow. The traditional stereotype of women farmers is insufficient for marketers today.  

The traditional stereotype of women farmers is insufficient for marketers today.

What are the unique needs and motivations of female operators and decision-makers? How do their goals and buying journeys differ from those of males? What does this mean to those creating, marketing and selling products to farmers? CentricEngine is undertaking an important and timely research project that will serve as a benchmark, a guide and a view into the future of a critical segment of Canadian farmers.

Follow the button below to review the full Voice of the Female Farmer prospectus.

To discuss further or to find out how your organization can participate contact:

Bob Wilbur


Maurice Allin



An Overlooked Segment - Farm Women


A Rebel and an Outlaw: Disruption In Agriculture