


“every organization is perfectly designed to get the results they are getting.”


Design Personas

Buyer Segmentation

Brand Strategy & positioning

Customer Journey/moments of truth

Design optimization & Concept testing

Market opportunity/market entry

Are you satisfied with the results you’re getting? If not, we can help! Our services are geared to changing outcomes by taking a human centered approach. We utilize processes, tools and techniques grounded in a range of philosophies from traditional research (qualitative and quantitative) to behavioral economics and design thinking.

While most of our activities focus on the customer, some of our projects are internally focused. Our clients often engage us to provide direction on problem definition and articulating the most effective course of action for further research, or to explore and evaluate organizational readiness for marketing initiatives.

You may recognize some of our tools – in-depth interviews, focus groups and advanced statistical analysis for example. You may be less familiar with techniques and tools borrowed from anthropology, psychology, organizational design and econometrics. Tools like challenge mapping, job analysis, structural equation modeling and many others.  Applying the right combination of these tools ensures we deliver a customized path forward that is focused on going beyond insight and improving organizational outcomes.

 Our Approach



Examine situations from multiple perspectives.

Every act of exploration means knowingly leaving safe ideas behind to search for something new. Our perspective on farmers, brands and strategic initiatives provides a rich palette for mapping a new course. But we explore with purpose, as we understand that exploration without a hypothesis is just wandering in the wilderness. 




Overcome the status quo by challenging long held beliefs with new data.

We give permission to push beyond the ordinary. We have been observing the purchase activities of farmers for years and have developed a range of theories to explain those behaviors. Applying these theories will help to open up new thinking. Our blog series highlights some of our observations.




Shine a light on the root cause of problems and opportunities to ensure the right issue is being pursued at the right level. 

Position more effectively by understanding the deeper relationships between your customers experience and the brand experience. Organizations often fail to understand exactly where mismatches occur. Tools like challenge mapping and brand architecture help to identify specific opportunities to improve the delivery of brand experience.




Using both familiar and novel tools and techniques, scrutinize potential outcomes to verify and validate.  

We use a broad range of qualitative and quantitative tools, as well as an understanding of human behavior to gather data from expected and unexpected sources. We interrogate the data using both traditional and cutting edge techniques to extract knowledge. We curate and validate information through contextual analysis to arrive at a new understanding of a situation.




Collaborate and stimulate to create fresh ideas that will elevate to a new level of creativity. 

We collaborate with our clients to reframe the farmers’ situation for possibilities, not constraints. We know that data must be transformed from information, to knowledge and then insight before it can be used to stimulate our imagination. We’ve arrived when we have created a true sense of empathy for the farmer’s situation.




Using engaging stories to provide the inspiration and motivation that are the catalysts to innovation. 

Whether presenting a report on a custom research project or presenting to a conference, we recognize the power of storytelling. We create empathy for new ideas by utilizing media effectively – using farmers voices wherever possible and multimedia as appropriate. Most important we speak with the power of our convictions – that farmers deserve to be understood!