Syndicated Studies

understanding the experience of Farm Women

Women make up a significant and growing number of farm operators and likely influence an even higher portion of decision making. It is time to replace old stereotypes of women on the farm with actionable data. 

What are their unique needs and motivations? How do their current experiences, goals and buying journeys differ from those of males? What does this mean to those creating, marketing and selling products to farmers?

CentricEngine is undertaking an important and timely research project that will serve as a benchmark, a guide, and a view into the future of a critical segment of Canadian farmers.

Download the prospectus now and contact us with your thoughts.



The business of agriculture is in disruption. Innovations in information technology, analytics, biotechnology, and materials are colliding with social change, demographics, and global trends to create a landscape that is almost unrecognizable compared to even recent past. Our farmer customers are changing as well. Today’s marketing challenges and opportunities are different, and require not just novel solutions, but insightful processes to arrive at them.

Empathy and Farmer Identity reveals how designing for farmers as people first, farmers second, can create opportunities for innovation and solve difficult problems - dealing with the unique situation that Agri-marketing finds itself in - fast changing and complex.

Download the FREE whitepaper now and please contact us with your thoughts.

Mental health and the american farmer

 The purpose of this paper is to confront the reality that farmers are twice as likely as the average American to commit suicide and to provide a framework for understanding and addressing the underlying issue of the mental health of farmers and farm families.

Our hope is that by illuminating the existing situation, this project will act as a catalyst for the industry to initiate actions.

Download the FREE study now and please contact us with your thoughts.
